Sunday, May 29, 2011

Braves Baseball- Spring 2011

Dylan is playing Ridgefield Little League this year, and is on the Braves.  Quinn and our friend Joe Vance are the coaches.  They are doing great and having a great season so far!
Dylan loves when he gets to pitch, and has been pitching really well.  His hitting is getting better too.  Last week he hit an in the park HOME RUN!  It was a great hit and he just ran and ran!  Hes is pretty quick!
Here are some great pictures from the season:
Dylan is #7.  He bats first, and sometimes bunts!

Mom likes to yell, "down and ready boys! Down and ready!"
look how good Dylan listens. ;)

Sliding into home- he loves to slide.

Dylan like to play catcher too! 
 It is fun to watch him grab a wild pitch and just dare the guy on third to try and run home.

We do gets lots of rain in the northwest, but when the suns out-
LOOK how beautiful the green is!

Dylan has a real great group of boys his age.  They are so great- I love going to watch them play ball.
Way to go Braves- what a fun season.

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