Sunday, July 10, 2011

Memorial Day weekend- May 2011

We went with some friends for a hike in the Columbia River Gorge on Memorial day.  The day started of cool, but it warmed up and we had a great time with some fun friends.
Heres all the kids before we take off on the hike.
And the army takes off.
The Hansons, Harmons, Bergs and Drapers.

Allie posing at the first water fall.

The hike led us to this noisy water fall.  So pretty!

Then at the bottom we had some quiet time to throw rocks and play.

Kyra, Haley, Emily and Amy:

Then we made it back to the cars for a picnic lunch.

And off to see the fish hatchery- this is one of the big sturgeon.

Feeding fish:

And we went up the freeway to the next exit for these giant ice cream cones.  They are not a big secret, everyone must know about this place because we had to wait in a big line for the ice cream!

You know you had a great day when the kids crash in the car coming home.

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