Sunday, June 12, 2011

May 25, 2011- Preschool Graduation

Allie May- ready for Kindergarten!
It has been fun to work with Allie and her friends with school this year.  Allie is a bright girls, and really pick up on reading without much help from me.  She loves to learn and work and do her best.  She is SO excited to go to school in the fall.
For the last day of preschool, we had a little graduation party at Olivias house!
Here's the kids and some siblings....

The preschool friends... Kenya, Audree, Jenna, Allie and Olivia.

Ms Kristen had a cute idea.  The kids would blow out a candle to represent them leaving preschool, and re light it to represent them starting kindergarten.

Allie loves this Jenna, we're hoping they get them in same kindergarten class so we can do preschool friends with their siblings next year.

Way to go Allie May!  You're such a big girl, Moms going to miss you when you go to school!!


  1. I love that top pic of the two of you--so cute!

  2. Hurray for Allie May! You will be an awesome kindergardner!
