Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dec. 20, 2011 ZOO LIGHTS

Allie won the summer reading drawing at the library this summer.  She won the grand prize- a family membership to the Oregon zoo!
On tuesday the kids got out of school for winter break, so we went down to the zoo to see the Zoo lights.  This was our first time to go and we had a fun time.  We were there early enough to see some animals then we rode the train around the zoo looking at lights with popcorn and hot chocolate!

The QnA Drapers- dec. 2011
portland, oregon!

Thanks for reading so much this summer kids!
We're glad they picked Allies name so we could go to the zoo.  I'm sure we'll go more this year.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for Allie! Good job reading you big girl. We don't do the summer reading program here... It's way too dumb compared to Nebraska. They don't have any fun give aways like this. Just a coloring page with coupons, yippy.
