Sunday, June 12, 2011

April- May 2011 TRACK!

Makayla the Track Star!
This was Makaylas second year to run with the Ridgefield flyers.
She would start each meet with the 80 M hurdles.  Yes, the hurdles.  Those things scare me, but without any coaching, she just attacks them!
Before the last two meets, her coach came over and spent some time with her helping her, and she got even better.  She then ran the 100 M this year, then usually the 800 or a field event, and then the 4x100 relay.
It was fun to watch her get better each time.
Here she is when her relay team came in first:
Grace, Julianne, Summer and Makayla!

Running around practicing hand offs.

I have not been to a high school track with a better view- ever.
Looking out at bald eagles, a big, white Mt. St. Helen's and rainbows, its just nice to sit out there and watch.
Here she come in the 100- way in the front of this heat.

Some Hurdle running:

My plan is to always get there a little early to get this seat. Close to the finish, under the cover, and close to the hill where the little ones play so I can keep my eyes on them too.

Warming up.

Ridgefield Flyers 2011

After Makaylas first meet this year she complained her heels hurt.  I was like, "yeah, you just ran, go stretch and go to bed."
The next morning, she couldn't even walk down the stairs.  Umm, "take an ibuprofen and go to school."
But her heels weren't getting better.
We talked around and did some research and found her Achilles heel were the problem.  So she would ice morning and night, stretch and take ibuprofen, and we got some heel inserts.  This would help until she ran again, then it would start all over.
Finally she had to take a whole week off, because her coach didn't want her to tear the tendon.
This killed her, because track is such a short season!  But she took it easy and was feeling good by her last meet.  Then she ran, and right away I saw her limp away from the finish line.  "Do you want to be done makayla?" 
"No mom!  I'm going to do all 4 events this is my last meet!"
So she did.  She ran hard.  She gave it her all, she did great.
Then came her last event, the 800M.  She took off good, was going strong, then came the last 100 M.  She had a look of such pain on her face and every step made her wince.  I know her body wanted to stop, but she kept going!  She pushed all the way across, and did great.  She was the rock star this season.  She never gave up.  We are so proud of her!!

****And now, a month after track, the heels are not a problem.  We're just keeping an eye on her heels.**

1 comment:

  1. Awww. this brought tears to my eyes. Makayla, I hope you always keep this determined spirit about you! Sometimes we run fast, sometimes we hobble, but we can and WILL each make it to the finish! Love you!
