Sunday, June 5, 2011

Easter- April 2011

Easter was a week long celebration around here.
It started out on a tuesday, which is Music day for Allie and Lance.  We have spent Tuesday mornings meeting at our church with friends singing and playing with music.  This week we sang about Easter then went outside for a fun hunt!

Allie was a good sport and would make sure Lance was finding eggs too.  She would quickly throw one in his basket and run to find more.

Then Wednesday came, which is preschool day.
This week preschool was at our house, so we made bags and did another hunt.  I would have each kiddo hide an egg for another friend, then each friend would take a turn finding them.

Heres our preschool group:
Audree, Allie, Kenya, jenna, Lance and Olivia.

This was a fun week to make treats-
Heres our Rice Krispy treat eggs nests with jelly bean eggs.

Sunday morning, we got to think about the real meaning of Easter and went to church.

More easter treats, bunny cakes:

Then to Grandma and Grandpas for a yummy Easter dinner with cousins.
Macie, Allie & Whitney:

Tanner, Camree and Lance:

These two boys can't pause from their meat and rolls to pose for a picture.  Really, thats all they eat every week. Meat and rolls. Its a wonder why they grow at all!

These girls know how to make an Easter dinner!
Aspen, McKenzie and Makayla.

Then a family Home evening about Easter:

Grandma and Grandpa Jones were able to come for a few days from Rexburg Idaho! We love them so much.  They are such great examples to us all.  They always put Family and the gospel first in their lives.  We all know they have a testimony, and they live it everyday.  It was so nice to spend Easter with them.

1 comment:

  1. WHat fun celebrations! When did Allie get her hair cut? It looks so cute!
