Summer has just begun and the Young Women in the Vancouver West stake are off to Camp Zarahemela! Mom was asked to go to camp and help with the 5th and 6th year girls who were over music. I was also able to spend lots of time with the beehives from the ridgefield ward!
Grandma j was able to come up and help while mom was away- she got Makayla off to the bus since I had to get up their early that day. Makayla fell asleep on the long bus ride- heres the picture she took of her knees:
Makayla and her best friend Kara Klaus.
They are going to have lots of fun girls camps together!
Here are my first years getting unloaded in their tent:
The Ridgefield girls are the pirates seeking for treasure:
Some of the sweet ladies I got to work with - they are amazing!
This camp is very nice- and one of the girls favorite activities is going canoing on the lake:
Heres Makayla with Julianne and Kara:
A new activity for the girls was rag-rolling their hair. Lizzie Vance helped get makaylas long locks into rags:
Heres some girls all curled up:
Cami Pickett, Julia Christensen, mom, Makayla, Juliane Hess and Kara Klaus:
The girls kept plenty busy- here they are doing service projects.
And dressing up for color wars day:
Heres my cute niece Brinley
The next day when we took the rags out- Makayla looked liked a princess while the Young Women decided to call me the poodle lady:
Look at the girls from Ridgefield! What an amazing group of young women!!
Makayla and I doing the mother daughter canoe race- we need practice!
And the last night we had some bonding time with our bishopric- we played Samari (or Ninja)- and the girls loved it!
I am so thankful I was able to be there and that Quinn and my mom could help out at home so I could have this experience! I've decided if I could sing with the primary on Sundays and go to girls camp in the summers- I would have the dream calling.
Makayla had a great first year and can't wait for more to come!