Sunday, September 25, 2011

June 17, 2011 6th grade graduation!

Another school year has some to and end.  In the fall Allie will be joining these two for school day pictures.  On the last day this year the kids rode their bikes down the big hill to school!
The last days of 6th and 4th grades.

On the last day, all the school comes out and sends the 6th graders off with a huge cheer and high fives!  There they go:

By the end I think Makayla was getting tired of feeling like a celebrity!

Then Dylan rode bikes with his friends to party and have lunch at Abrams park:

And the 6th graders waled to their new school- View Ridge middle school for a fun graduation party!
 They ate lunch and got a little pep talk before moving outside into groups to play survivor games.

Makayla was in the blue group with Grace and here they are weaving the hula hoop through their group.

And then the inflatable obstacle course:

Now that its time to say goodbye- Makayla has changed her mind and wants to stay with Mrs Barbouletos forever:

Our little girl is moving off to middle school- she was elected the class officer and we know she will do great!

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