Sunday, September 25, 2011

4th of July 2011

Happy 4th of July 2011!
After girls camp was over, Grandpa J flew up for the weekend to celebrate the 4th with us in Washington.  We were able to spend the day in Ridgefield celebrating.
 Lots of Draper cousins came and played and woke up early to run in the 4th of July fun run!

Heres Grandpa J with some of the cute grandkids.
 Before the big parade they have a kid and pet parade- Allie thought she was a star!

 Then during the real parade- Croft and Draper orthodontics passed out water bottles and we were a huge hit!
 We started the day with a fun run.
Quinn was getting ready for Hood to Coast and decided to run with me this year.  I went ahead and ran a 10K- for my first time- and Quinn did the 5K and went to get ready for the parade.
 Heres the beginning of the race:

While the adults are out running- the kids run a kids 1/2 mile run1 Lots of the cousins did this one and had a fun time getting medals.

Look at little Lance go!

Dylan finished the whole race first- hes is a good runner.

After the kids finished, the big kids started finishing- here comes Quinn!

Heres a pic of the Crazy Drapers who decided to run this morning:

And the cute girls getting ready for the parade!

Here comes mom- I picked up a running buddy somewhere around mile 3.  We had a fun visit and he kept me motivated- I ran my best time!

Now with more parade pictures:

When its hot out- the floats that spray you with water are the bestest:

Grandma and Grandpa J with their Washington grand kids!
Allie sporting her Hoppers on the 4th of July

What a fun way to start off the summer!

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