Sunday, September 25, 2011

DYLAN is 10! June 16, 2011

Somehow, are cute little dude has made it to double digits!
Because of a couple of snow days that had to be made up, he actually had to go to school on his birthday this year.  I think he was OK with that, since his mom brought his class Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
Here he is, still into Pokemon cards on his birthday:

Then the weekend school got out, we took a couple of his friends and went to a fun bowling ally and had a great time.
Heres Dylan with Adam and Zack:

Big Als is a very nice place- the kids did great bowling and they were all glad we had the bumpers on!

I think by the looks of it, Zack didn't win?!
The others seemed to be happy with their score.

While we played we ordered dinner and the kids all ate and watched music videos. 
Here the boys are watching Justin Bieber.  They were pretty into it!

Then we were off to open presents and go to the arcade-

The longest part of the night was picking prizes with their tickets!

The next night we got to play with the Mathison kiddos!  They were heading this way to go to the temple and stopped by to say hello and party with us!

 I love this picture of Lance and Montey- they don't see each other alot but they sure have fun together.  They remind me a lot of Caleb and Dylan.  We miss Caleb.  He was such a good friend to Dylan- they were kindred spirits, those boys.  I hope as each year passes for Dylan he will remember what a special friend he had, and that each day he needs to remember is a blessing and he needs to live it to the fullest and always choose the right to honor his friend Caleb.
One day they will play together again!

Here's Dylan at school playing foursquare with his friends.  He does have a great talent for making good friends.  We love you Dylan boy- Happy 10th Birthday!

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