Sunday, September 25, 2011

Zip-Line- May 2011

We have lived in Washington for a year and a half, and Quinn has finished this tree house that he worked so hard on!  Before it was finished, it was decided the tree house needed a zip line, going from the top on the fort out through the forest.  So, Quinn, Mike and Larry got to work and put it up.  The kids were thrilled when dad called after school and said- come try it out!

If you look closely- you can see Dylan flying through the trees:

Even Mom gave it a try- it looks much higher when you're up there!

And- somehow the kids got Grandma Draper to give it a try!  We were so proud of her- she doesn't even like to go to the top level!

Makayla LOVES the zip line, and the tree house, and the forest, and playing with Squirt, and just being outside- especially at grandma and Grandpa Drapers forest!

Allie and Lance both took a turn too.

And lastly- Quinn showed us his muscles by holding on to the handle and zipping all the way down.
He is one talented daddy.  And pretty strong too!

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