Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Aug. 27-28 Hood To Coast

This was my second year to attempt Hood To Coast: a 12-man relay team covering 200 miles over 36 hours.
This time went much better than last year.  Team Draper had van #1 full of the girls, who left Ridgefield at 3:30 am friday morning.
We drove up to the mountain and it was pouring rain!  We just sat in the van for a minute pondering why we were doing this.
Then the rains stopped, and it was time for Lindsey to take off!

But not before we got a few pictures.
Lindsey handed off to me, then Kimberly, Melanie, Jen and Ariane.
Debbie was our driver, and Larry came and met us in portland to help drive too!

From the mountains- to the coastline....
here we come!

Just as I was ready to take off the rains came back- Lindesy and I got a little wet on our first runs.
I loved my first run!  I ran great- ran fast and loved the view.

We made it to our first van exchange, where the Drapers boys were waiting.
Jason took it from us, handed to Quinn, Marcus, Ryan, Mike and Travis.

Trying to get a picture, but Jason was pretty excited getting ready to run...

This ones better:

We had some cool shirts made-

Wow- look at Jason ready to run!

Then we drove to Portland to rest and wait for the boys. 
I tried to rest, but just couldn't do much.  My shoes dried and it was nice and HOT for my next run through the hot roads.
Lindsey handed off to me with these words of encouragement, "It's awful!"
By mow our legs were sore from the long down hill and it was hard to move!

I ran all summer with my phone that tracked my time and distance. I loved having it!
So glad my team stopped and handed me a water bottle on this run- or I may have actually passed out.

Finally towards the end of this 6 mile leg, there was some shade.
So glad to be done with this one!

Theres Quinn getting ready for his next run!  He did so great!  He was so fast- and had some horrible hills on dusty logging roads!

By now we are looking good!
WE stopped at Saras grandparents house, over slept and were late to meet the boys for our last run- but it all worked out.

My last run was one of my favorites.  It was about 4am, and dark with so many stars.  But lots of runners out, and vans passing so I wasn't scared.  I met a boy running with his high school team, and we kept a great pase under 9 minute miles.  Loved it!

It was so great to get into the beach and know I was done!
I was so proud of my sister in laws- they all did better than they thought and we had a fun time together.

My mom brought my kids down to the beach party- it was crazy but they had a fun time!

Travis running the last leg- the one I did last year.  He did amazing with feet covered in blisters!

There is quite the party with racers finishing all day long Saturday.
It was quite the experience.

Thanks to my mom and dad who helped with our kids while we ran.

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