Monday, October 17, 2011

August 2011 Clark County Fair

This year was our kids first year to participate in 4-H.
This meant we had a busy day at the fair!
We got there first thing in the morning and Makayla and Dylan set up their table settings. Then Makayla had to prepare a lunch in front of the judges.  She then visited with the judge about her healthy lunch.

We were there with the Pierce family, so the little ones had fun playing while the big kids worked!

We picked a day when Quinn could be home to help, and even had time to go play a little.
The kids were all asked to be stars in the play.

Even Quinn was a good sport this day and helped out at the strong man.

Then we checked out the animals.

And Makayla and Aspen went back and played piano for their
4-H in action. They had microphones on and helped teach some kids piano as well.

Then it was Dylan turn to go in front of the judge.  He wasn't scared at all.  Made his smoothie and served it as well!  He won a blue ribbon and a special ribbon, because his blender broke right before he went on, and he still did a great job!

Then we were able to go catch a couple of rides with daddy and mom.

Makayla and Aspen went back and cooked a meal of tacos for the judges too!

The kids had a great time and learned a lot,  They just earned their fair checks, so they are excited to do more next year!

1 comment:

  1. What are the odds that we would both look into doing 4 H the same year? Liahona is doing a 4 H club too. Are we getting to become the Rural type or what?? It must be that Nebraska blood in us. =)
