Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Jones Family Reunion July 2011

We left for the long drive to Idaho.
We made a stop in Pocatello, where we used to live.  This is our old apartment, where Makayla and Dylan lived.  I have lots of pictures of Makayla in front of this tree- my how shes grown!
Its fun to look for temples on the drive- here is the Idaho Falls temple- what a beautiful sight!

When we lived in Rexburg we would have never thoguht a temple would be built there- but with the college there, it is used often.  Makayla was able to go do baptisms here during reunion!

And we made it to the cabin-
Three Peaks Lodge in St. Anthony Idaho.
Lance loves this slide in the garage.

Our first morning we're up for a yummy breakfast- Makayla and Mckenzie.

Look how big the cousins are getting- we fill these tables quickly!

Sunday we went to sacrament at Grandma and Grandpa Jones ward in Rexburg- then back to the cabin for pictures.
Well- thats a lot of people- most of the Jones family:

Theres always time for a program at reunion

We love G & G Jones-

Some good looking Draper boys:
Allie and her cousin Macie:

Makayla and her new cousins Taylor Draper:

Amy playing with Cohen Draper:

Then the sun comes out and the kids play-

This is the hot tub on day one.  By day three we just empty it out. Yuck.

My big kids loved canoes on the pond this summer-
Its just behind the cabin.

For the talent show Lance danced and Allie sang a Taylor Swift song!

And Makayla played the piano

Then Whitney and Allie and Camree danced ballet.

The cousins play in the bunk room.

While lots of the Draper guys were hiking- I took my big kids to the playmill.  I took these two here once when I came to reunion when they were little! We watched High School Musical- it was lots of fun.

Ariane stayed back with my little 2 and I took her older kids with me.

I think the best part of playmill was when Jaren got sung to by Sharpay!!

Stopping for a picture on the way home!

The next day we had the first annual Cherokee Run-
We had races for the little kids

And Grandma Draper had prizes!

Then the big kids and adults had the race-
You had to hit each station, arrows, bbs, marbles, pellet gun, tomahawk, and clay shooting.

Here are the kids Cherokee winners!
Dylan won- he did great!

Another fun part of reunion is the river float!

WE land at a park down the road from the cabin- it is a fun place to play.
Again- lots of Jones family!

Then we do some bridge jumping!  Makayla and Dylan are brave!

And some of the adult winners- I tied for second with Mel and Kim!
And finally the grown ups go out to dinner at big juds. What a trip.

I'll be honest- this is a stressful week for me, but the memories always turn out great.  We have a fun time with family and always plan to go back next summer.

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