Sunday, October 30, 2011

First day of school- Aug 31, 2011

The summer has come to an end!  Wednesday, Aug. 31st was the first day of 5th and 7th grades for these two.  Makayla is now starting middle school, and is not excited, so she says 7th grade gets the loser L on the forehead.
We walked her in and found her locker and her friend Anna.  She was nervous, but by the time she got home she loved it!

Then we walked next door to Union Ridge elementary where Dylan was super excited to be back with his friends in 5th grade in Mrs. Shuckas class.  His neighbor Cayden walked in with him.
Then I followed and took pictures of him going into his class.

At Union Ridge, the kinders go every-other day.  Allie has the Tuesday Thursday schedule, so her first day was actually Sept. 1st.  She was so excited and ready to start school.
Her teacher is Mrs Frasier.

As we took pictures out front the school bus went by.  Our neighbor Zack yelled, "save me!" I drive the kids in the mornings and they bus home.

Makayla and Dylan on day 2 with Allie on her day 1.

This time I got a pic with Makayla in front of her school- View Ridge Middle.

Allie has lots of friends at school- she is super smart and ready to be the big helper.  I know Mrs. Frasier is excited to have her in class.

another peek into Dylans class as we go!
Good luck this year kiddos!

Now- it's time for Lance to start the preschool Friends group.  I work with 4 other mommies and we each take one day a week, a month at a time, to teach at our homes.
This month he went to Miss Haleys and Morgans home.  They will be with us in November.
He thinks he's so big- and wanted a first day picture too!

Walking in with his buddy Daniel,
is that one cute little dude or what?!

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