Sunday, October 9, 2011

TnT fam visit- August 2-6 2011

Summer could not be complete with out another visit with some family!
Tyler, Tanya and their kiddos made the flight up from southern California, and we are pleased to report, enjoyed some sunny weather while they were here.
We had a great time and the cousins loved playing together.  Hold on tight- this was a busy trip!

Our first stop when they got here was over to grandma and grandpa Drapers yard to show off the tree house and zip line, and have a BBQ in the forest.
The kids loved it all!

They were just a week early for the yummy berries- they weren't quite ripe yet-
Chase thought they were pretty sour!

Quinn, Tanya, Amy, Ashlyn, Tyler and Lance.  Maybe Ashy is not quite sure what to think about Uncle Quinn yet.

Day 2- we got Michael and Danielle and took all the Jorgenson cousins to horseshoe lake in woodland. We thought the kids would have fun- didn't realize they would want to stay ALL day.
It was so nice!  They would play in the water, go to the playground, have some food, play some more, it was really a fun day.  The big kids would swim across the lake and find blackberries to eat.

Day 3 took us over to Mt. St. Helens.  This mountain erupted May 18, 1980, 3 days after Tyler was born not far north.  We thought he needed to go show his kids his special mountain!

Somehow, the picture won't rotate, but here are the kids at our picnic lunch on the mountain.

Then we went in to see the visitors center and the video.  The kids kept asking what was happening to the people who wouldn't leave the mountain, and they were confused that Tyler was born at the same time, so all through the movie Lance would say to Ashlyn, "This is the part where your daddy died on this mountain." Hmmm...

We found a pretty trail and a nice view, then somehow decided to drive the rest of the way to the top!

Are we on day 4?
We hit OMSI in portland, a fun place to play.  The kids had a blast playing and exploring.

We took our picnic outside and the kids would count the bicycles going by.

Then we found Michael and Danielle, and waled down to the fort to play in the neighborhood.  I think this is when Tyler and Tanya went to the Nike store in Portland.  I was worried they would get stuck in traffic coming back, but realized they are from southern California, it didn't bug them one bit!

Another try at the Jorgenson cousin picture

Friday night meant date night!
Tyler, Tanya, TeriLe and Rob, Amy & Quinn went and ate at Beaches on the Columbia river.
This was a fun place to visit and we liked sitting outside, but it started getting cold!

Saturday we went to Daybreak park and uncle Quinn took the cousins on a LONG walk along the river. 

Then we had pizza for lunch before getting home for the Jorgensons to pack and head to the airport.

But not without one more try at a cousin picture!

We LOVED having them come visit.  WE saw SO many great places while they were here.
We're so thankful for great family.
Now its our turn to plan a trip to California!

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