Monday, October 17, 2011

August 2011- Swim Lessons

Our Bishop and his daughter, Cami Pickett, teach swim lessons in the summers at their house.
I was able to get all 4 kids in before the summer ended for some swim lessons!

Dylan does a great job- with 0% body fat, his body has a hard time floating, but he can swim back and forth across the pool with ease!

Allie is getting better too!  She puts on some wings and tries different strokes.

Makayla has passed off every stroke even the butterfly! She is a strong swimmer.

This was Lance's first lesson, and just wanted to play on the stairs, but bishop got him out there blowing some bubbles and floating too!

The kids really looked forward to swimming each morning- even though we had to miss a day for the fair!  Way to go little fishies.

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