Sunday, April 17, 2011

Feb. 18, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

So, I missed some pictures I need to add.
For Valentines weekend, Quinn & I went and stayed a night at the Skamania Lodge up the Gorge in Washington along the Columbia river.
Jen & Mike had a room they couldn't use and let us have it.  Larry & Debbie, and Mel and Marcus were up there too and we had a fun little night away!
Friday night we ate at the famous all you can eat seafood buffet.  We all ate A LOT, but it was yummy!
Then we went and enjoyed the out-door hot tub.  On the way back in, Marcus pushed Quinn into the pool, so his robe got a little wet. 
We forgot to get a picture of us all done up nice for dinner, so we went back into our room and got a pictures in our robes, except for Quinn, whose of course, was wet.
Larry made me promise not to post this on facebook, but I figured our blog was safer:
For Valentines day Quinn came home with more Crush.
This is what he gave me for Valentines when we were dating.

Here's the picture of our view at breakfast in the morning at the lodge.
It was a fun relaxing weekend- we should make a tradition of. ;)

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