Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday, Feb. 6, 2011

Sunday at the Tree house

Quinn has been spending much of his free time working on this tree house at his parents place.  Since they only live 5 minutes away, we have adopted their yard as our yard too.  Some sunny Sunday afternoons we grab our coats and boots and go play in their yard.
I brought my camera to get some pictures of the tree house Quinn's been working so hard on.
Makayla loves going out to grandpas yard and wants to be the first one in the tree house each time.

This swing has been in the tree long before the tree house- all the grand kids love it.

I had some fun with my camera in the beautiful light- so here are lots of pictures of the tree house!

Looking up under the tree house from the tree:

There is now a ladder going up to the next floor.

Trying to get a picture of Grandma:

Here's Squirt.  He is Tyler's dog, who lives at Grandpas, but Quinn and Makayla call him their dog too.  They LOVE to go play with Squirt!

Shooting guns off the tree house into the sunset!

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