Sunday, April 17, 2011

January 8, 2011

Makaylas a basketball player!

Makayla decided to play basketball this year!

It's been along time since she played a "sport with a ball', as she puts it.
We're so impressed at how aggressive she, and how much fun shes having.
Here she is before her first game.
Some of the other girls and her head coach, Tom Ball. Good name for a basketball coach don't you think?!

Tom was on his own, so I get to help out with her team!  I think I'm having as much fun as Makayla!

Makayla comes off the court barely winded!
She played hard and runs hard!
She was the first girl to make a basket in her first game too!

We've had 2 games now, and we've totally lost both by a ton.  Our team is made up of a lot of girls who have never played.  But its good experience, and we still have 5 more games!
The night before the game we had the team over for a spaghetti dinner and we watched some college ball.  It was Coach Balls birthday so we sang to him too.

We're the "midnight stalkers."
Thi sis what happens in basketball sometimes.  I was playing bump with the team after the game and jammed my finger pretty bad.  I couldn't get my ring on for a month!

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