Sunday, April 17, 2011

Jan. 12, 2011

January Pictures

This month is going fast and we're finding lots of ways to keep busy!
Allie and Lance play "Disneyland' almost everyday.  Here they are sitting on the floor riding "It's a small world after all."
We had TeriLe and her family come over for ice cream one night.  Bren and Makayla rocked out some piano music for us!

One night we got a LITTLE dusting of snow- the kids were so excited.  Makayla went out before bed to taste it.  By morning it was gone. boo hoo...

And I got a haircut! Heres some pictures of me and my haircut taken by my kiddos:

Oh, Lance wearing Makaylas boots too...

Me trying to get a picture of my hair...

January brought our preschool group back to our place!  One of my kids took a picture of me waiting for the preschool kids.  Thats a few shots of my hair cut.

And then the preschool friends got here.  It was M day.  We read, "if you give a moose a muffin" and made muffins!

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