Sunday, April 17, 2011

January 2011

Saturday night

Today has been a fun Saturday.  Makayla had her first basketball jamboree.  I get to help coach her team,  it's a lot of fun.  I will get pictures up soon.

Its Saturday night and I need to run to the store to grab something for Sunday tomorrow.  I miss having a grocery store close by.  I miss running up the street to Smiths on Saturday night in Vegas and running into half of the Mountain Shadows ward!  When I had to grab something on Saturday night in Vegas, I used to keep my eyes open because I knew there would be lots of Mormons out shopping getting what they needed for Sunday.  I liked that.

Sometimes in Lincoln, I would run into some friends at HyVee.  The ward boundaries were much bigger and the ward a little smaller so it wasn't quite as common, but I still liked to see people out getting ready for the sabbath.  It made me remember those nights in Vegas.
Sometimes I miss those nights and realize how fast time really goes.


Today I pulled out some fig newtons to pack up for the basketball game.  I asked Lance if he wanted me to bring some for him.  He looked at the package and said seriously, with his eyebrows scrunched together,     "I no like dog food."
That boy cracks me up. 

Some last pictures from December, before I start posting about our new year.

Lance and Allie get the camera and take some crazy pictures:
This one they took out their window:

Allie and her cousin Macie

The kids by our little tree this year- going to church

Makayla making snow for the kids- I think she misses the real stuff.

Dylan had a vocal concert at school-
Hes on the front row between Dylan Robinson and Brandon Wallace, some of his friends.

December was a fun month.  Wonder what we'll be up to next December.
Maybe we'll have a grocery store closer I can run to on Saturday nights

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