Sunday, April 17, 2011

Feb., 5, 2011

A day on Mt. Hood

I feel like spring is just around the corner, so I got an itch to go play in the snow.
The kids really miss being able to just bundle up and go play outback in some fresh snow. 
Here in Washington, we had to pack up and go drive up the mountain to play in some snow.  Quinn and the kids had a Friday off, so we went up to mt hood and played!
The snow was pretty 'old'  snow, so I had to yell at the little ones to stop eating it,
 but there was still plenty of snow to play on.

Dad is a good puller of the sledders.

They didn't crash, but it sure looks like it!

Lance, I'm sorry you had to wear hand me down purple snow clothes.
I know you don't mind now, but one day when you're looking back at these pictures, just look at your face and how much fun you were having in those purple pants, gloves and boots!

(And one quick story about those purple Minnie mouse boots.
When we were in Pocatello, Makayla was almost 3, and Dylan  was only a few months old, we had a chance to go stay in a cabin in Island Park.  Makayla didn't have snow boots so we grabbed the only ones we could find at Kmart and headed to Mr Clarks cabin.  That Sunday we went to church up there.  We got all dressed, but I realized I had forgotten to pack Makaylas Sunday clothes.  We debated going to church for a bit, because we didn't want to go in with Makayla in pants ond snow boots, but went anyways and sat towards the back.  Before the meeting started it got quiet, and in came President James E Faust.  The spirit filled the room.  I don't remember everything he said, but I remember being glad I was there, even with my little girl in purple snow boots.  So every time one of my kiddos wears those boots, I remember the feeling I had seeing a prophet of God.  So, Lancee-Pants...remember that when you see this picture of you in Minnie mouse boots. 
Remember your mommy and her testimony!)

Allie May loves the snow.  This snow was pretty wet.  It was warm up there, so the snow would melt if you tried to make snow balls.

We weer at a place called White River... here's the river on the other side of where we were sledding.
This picture actually makes it look so small!  I should have kept my foot in the corner of the picture!

Dylan saw what he thought was a hole in the snow, and went to go jump in it.  Good thing he looked before he jumped.  There was a little pool of water in there!

Me and my Quinners- this mountain man loves the snow!

Dylan tried to jump in our silly picture, he was making a silly face, just showed us not the camera!

This is when the kids yell...
"R rated- R rated!"

Quinn took team A off to do some more hiking and exploring while I took team B and headed down the mountain.  Quinn took about 70 pictures, but I only put a few on here.

Pretty one of the big kids, and then Dylan turning the sled into a snow board!

Lance is all done!

We had a fun time up in the snow, we talked on the way home about how we missed the snow in Lincoln.
  Sometimes we go through the days taking advantage of all that we have.  Its not until its gone that we realize what we miss. 
 That's the great thing about seasons, each one gives us a new chance to remember what we have, what we had, and what we have to look forward to.  I love my family.
We need to go play in the snow more. 

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