Sunday, April 17, 2011

March 1, 2010


we've had a couple of snow days this year.  Sadly, that just meant there was a little snow on the ground in the morning so they didn't think it was safe for the buses.  There really was never enough for the kids to play in.  This morning, we got a call waking us up, saying there would be a two hour late start.  That was just about right.  After 2 hours, this little slush had melted, but not before the kids ran out to play in it.

While I stayed warm and dry in my room, I tried to get a couple of pictures, but Lance was having too much fun to stand still!  We thought it was a fun morning.
Here are some pictures form a previous snow day in February:
We were so excited when the phone rang, to wake us up because the forecast called for snow.  Then we looked out the window.  Ridgefield must be in a little pocket protected from the snow clouds.  The rest of Clark county had a lot of snow, but we just got a little.
Still, I went down and made snowman pancakes then called to the kids,
"Kids- wake up, you're going to be late for school!" 
They came down QUICKLY, then were excited to hear there was no school!

I think if you look closely, you can find Makayla and Dylan out in the field, they ran out to find friends and play.  Allies still in our yard.  This is the view out our back.

Allie still wanted to eat it.
I do prefer the snow to rain.

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